DANCE teacher Graham Vernon, from Samlesbury, gives his verdict on the sixth episode on Strictly Come Dancing.

Lisa and Brendan
Lisa was definitely on a mission this week with one of the hardest dances but I thought it was still lacking the drama and passion a Paso Doble needs to create the story. The music was very hard to dance to. As there were no highlights it weakened the choreographic ability.

Andrew and Ola
Andrew has obviously been working very hard this week as his posture had improved and so had his footwork. A good simple little Viennese Waltz but how gutted must he feel knowing the improvements he made yet still ended up in the bottom two? His dance-off was better but he still stumbled in exactly the same part of the routine as he did on Saturday.

Christine and Matthew
A much more dramatic interpretation of the Paso compared to Lisa and Brendan. Some of the arm lines needed finishing but an elegant beginning and a beautiful choreographed ending. It wasn’t as bad as the judges were making it out to be and Craig's score of three was out of order.

Austin and Erin
Beautiful Posé lines and rotary turns and a little good reverse fleckel, which is difficult to dance. Austin was a bit short in the step on his chasse but saying that excellent pivot turns. Well demonstrated, well choreographed, well done.

Cherie and James
Not sure what happened at the beginning. Cherie looked like a startled hare most of the way through the routine - the spins looked really awkward. Definitely not Cherie best dance. I agree with Len's comment on her confidence missing - what has happened?

Heather and Brian
Probably Heather's best dance yet. She still needs to bring her feet together and she is still a little stiff in the upper arms but then she did a perfect shimmy so they can obviously move. It just goes to show that people should get the chance to dance other styles - this was her second attempt at Ballroom and there was a huge improvement.

Mark and Hayley
Oh dear, not a good demonstration of the Paso. The shot we saw of Bruno covering his eyes and laughing really summed it up. His footwork was all over along with his arms and timing. However, there was some drama in his expression - or was it pain? I think Hayley is a little to blame for them being in the dance-off as the content of the routine was tricks rather than dance. It was the right decision for them to leave but I loved the respect the other male dancers gave when they picked him up on Sunday's show.

Tom and Camilla
Tom has obviously not had enough time to practice this week. There were a few little stumbles - it started well but then seemed to go a bit flat and lifeless. He looked quite forced through the whole body and there were a few little footwork issues as well. You need to pull all the stops out this week Tom, Do you think people voted for him because of his wedding?

John and Kristine
It reminded me of a Morecambe and Wise sketch. But, somehow looking through the tears of laughter, it wasn’t all that bad. Kristine does do a fantastic job with him - she runs round like a headless chicken and the airplane at the end was brilliant. How nervous must she have been with her head two foot off the floor being supported by someone who has been dancing for eleven weeks? Is it the British public voting for the underdog that is keeping him from the dance-off, or his he that entertaining?

Rachel and Vincent
What a beautiful dress, beautiful routine and a beautiful couple. It would have perfect for me apart from the leg-kicking thing that Rachel did three times in a row - it made her look like a horse at a barn door. Apart from that what a fantastic interpretation of the Viennese Waltz.

Jodie and Ian
There were much stronger leg lines than we have seen from Jodie in the past. Still a few flat bits where it looks like Ian is having to drag her round, but improved arm lines. Again I agree with Len's comments - it wasn’t her best but it wasn’t her worst. It was somewhere in the middle.