THE words Gilbert and Sullivan are enough to strike fear into the heart of many a theatre-goer.

Stereotypes of painful high-notes and drawn-out confusing storylines might be true in some cases, but if there's one thing Gilbert and Sullivan can do well, it's got to be Iolanthe.

And the Blackburn group's production starting tonight at Thwaites Empire Theatre is definitely worth a look.

The Peer and the Peri, as it is also sometimes known, is a satirical and comic two-act opera more than 100 years old.

It was advertised as the world's first fairytale opera, and was a truly magical event when it was performed for the first time at The Savoy Theatre, London, which was the world's first to be wired for electricity, making special effects such as sparkling fairy wands available.

Thankfully we've moved on a bit since then, and audiences at Thwaites might not be so impressed but if they take a chance on this one they might just see a bit of that old magic on stage.

Iolanthe is at the Thwaites Empire Theatre until Saturday, February 25, 7.30pm. Tickets £9 and £10.