COMEDIAN Tom Wrigglesworth made the headlines after he was reported to the police for trying to help a pensioner being ill-treated by a train guard.

And now the act based on his train journey from Manchester to London has not only set him up as a top Edinburgh Fringe performer — he’s won himself an award in Lancashire too.

It was announced today that Tom is to be crowned as Lancashire Telegraph winner of the best overall performer in the You Must Be Joking Comedy Festival, held in Blackburn and Darwen in November.

He was up against some of the best names in comedy who descended on the borough over the three weeks of the annual festival.

And Tom, currently touring his ‘Open Letter To Richard Branson’ show said he was thrilled to be this year’s trophy winner.

“Oh wow, that’s made my day! I had heard I was shortlisted but I didn’t think I’d win. Does that mean I get keys to the town?” he joked.

“I really enjoyed Blackburn. It was a lovely comedy club setting, and the crowd seemed to enjoy that.

“I’m really pleased and I’d like to say thank you to the voters.

"I’ll have to get a bigger mantelpiece for the trophy!”

The panel of judges took into account a variety of factors in deciding on a final winner, including a reader online poll.

Anglo-Indian comedian Paul Chowdhry came a close second followed by other shortlisters, Jimmy Carr, Stephen K Amos and Billy Pearce.

The subsequent success of the two previous award-winners, Jimmy Carr and Jason Manford, shows it's a title worth winning.