Lara’s big-budget outings are few and far between these days, but this mobile adventure is a reminder of how much fun you can have with the intrepid explorer.

Taking a different gameplay tack to the traditional over-the-shoulder shooter style approach, Guardian Of Light lives within an isometric third-person set-up, as you navigate your way through a number of levels, each containing tombs to explore, a multitude of beasts to battle and no shortage of puzzles to solve.

Movement and combat works really well, with a slick, simple arcadey feel to it.

The levels are engaging and tough work — each just long enough to feel substantial, yet not that expansive to make you feel like the challenges and rewards on offer are unobtainable.

Graphically, it may not be the cutting-edge engine of the big-hitting consoles, but this is good old arcade gaming fun.

Check it out. Overall rating: 4/5