NEIL Simon’s greatest play is undoubtedly The Odd Couple and I guess that is the sort of statement that won’t raise too many eyebrows.

I Ought To Be In Pictures, the Library Theatre’s latest production, just isn’t in the same league as TOC or his other great work, Jake’s Women.

Try as hard as I might I couldn’t warm to or care about wannabe actress Libby or the fact that she’s desperate to re-kindle some sort of relationship with the father she’s been estranged from for the past 16 years.

And this was despite the valiant efforts of Kirsty Osmon and Stuart Fox, who plays her gruff and initially distant dad, Herb.

He’s not exactly a sympathetic character either and why Steffy, the woman in his life, puts up with him is a mystery that would seriously tax the deductive powers of one Sherlock Holmes.

Elizabeth Carling, however, is very believable as Steffy, standing by a writer whose career isn’t exactly hitting the high spots.

I Ought To Be In Pictures isn’t a dead loss and there are several sublime one liners that’d turn many a budding writer green with envy.

However, I just expected to laugh louder and more often than I actually did.

That said, the production will certainly satisfy those with a hunger for light entertainment.

* I Ought To Be In Pictures is at the Library Theatre until February 27. The box office is on 0161 236 7110.