FRESH on the local music scene is Blackburn band Pablo and The Smokes.

After just three gigs the band have found themselves being invited to support popular Oasis tribute band Noasis at King George's Hall on November 1.

We found out more about them.

WHO ARE YOU? Matt Frayne, 23 guitar/vocals; Andy Ashcroft, 25 guitar/vocals; Adam McDonough, bass backing vocals; Julia Brown, drums/backing vocals; and Lee Garrett, manager.

BAND STORY... We've been mates most of our lives and we'd hang out listening to bands from around the world on week nights and spend our weekends out watching DJs. The band formed in the summer of 2006, I suppose there was a sense of inevitability around our desire to form. We struggled to find a long-lasting drummer at first until Julia came along who Matt met at university in Manchester.

INFLUENCES? Principally the sounds of the North like Oasis, Verve etc. Also Led Zeppelin and many others such as Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.

THE NAME? It came from a good friend who is a legend in the area where we grew up. There's too many random names about these days. Like The Cliche. We like our name because it took us ages to figure out.

BAND HIGHLIGHT? Playing live IF WE COULD PERFORM ONE OF OUR SONGS WITH ANY ARTIST IT WOULD BE... A tune called The Banshee (which we haven't performed live yet) with The Prodigy. It’s a banging dance track but so far we've never felt the occasion right to pull it out of the bag. Look out for it soon though because it's going to be something special.

SONGS WE SING IN THE SHOWER... It all depends on the night before doesn't it? Could be anything from Club Foot by Kasabian to Venus in Furs by the Velvet Underground. This morning's shower list included the Libertines (Andy).

Adam loves a bit of 2 Become 1 by the Spice Girls if he ever gets in the shower!

l See Pablo & The Smokes supporting Noasis at King George's Hall, Blackburn, on Saturday, November 1. For tickets visit www.kinggeorges or call 0844 847 1664.