YOUNG fashion entrepreneur with a conscience has set up a clothing website that aims to help third world countries gain access to clean water.

Dabby (Daniel) Peace, 22, from Rossendale, is donating 10 per cent, and possibly more, of the profits gained from his Thousand Voices website to a non-profit organisation that aims to bring clean water to everyone in the world who needs it.

“It came about after I read about clean:water’s work in places like Asia, Africa and South America,” he explained. “There are currently 800 million people who don’t have access to clean water and 3.4 million die each year as a result.

“I could not believe that our civilised society was not doing more to help. It seemed odd that we can find water on Mars but not enough to support our own planet.

“It really concerned me and I started to rack my brains to find out what I could do to help. I felt that if I was not part of the solution then I must be part of the problem. I thought about selling everything I owned, but that would have been a one-off payment and these people need a stream of money.

"So I decided to create a legacy that can be developed over the next 20 or 30 years. Obviously, I will be taking an income, but I’ll be re-investing a great deal to develop the website. Unlike some national charities, where the CEO earns half a million a year, and are really businesses masquerading as charities, I intend to be a charity masquerading as a business. It’s all about transparency. ”

Thousand Voices was launched in October and operates from an office in Ramsbottom. It is committed to selling high quality and innovative clothes with a strong message about trying to make the world a better place for everyone in it. Dabby is also raising funds for the Mental health charity, Mind, and We Are Macmillian.

A TV and Film Production graduate from Teeside University, he has designed the website and tee-shirts, which retail at £15. Like-minded friends have helped with modelling and photography. “It’s really exciting for me after putting in a lot of time, effort and money because people are so enthusiastic about it and want to support it. I can see it growing and growing and that is going to benefit an awful lot of people.

“Thousand Voices was created from the idea that a single person can’t influence change in this world but together, as a thousand voices, we can be heard and can make this world better for all humans across the globe.”

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