STARS from two of the nation’s favourite soaps will be in Darwen next week as family panto returns for half term.

Former Coronation Street star Nick Cochrane will play the Emperor and Tony Hills from EastEnders, the evil Abanazer in Aladdin on Wednesday afternoon.

Nick, who played Andy McDonald, said: “I’ve never done a pantomime when it’s not Christmas so it should be fun.

“One of the great things about pantomime is that it is often the first time children get to see live theatre, so if we can do it at other times of the year, so much the better.”

Aladdin is being brought to Darwen by George Critchley’s PMA Productions, who have been responsible for the big Christmas production at the theatre for the last 10 years.

“I hooked up with George’s production last Christmas and we got on well so I was delighted to be asked to do the show for half term” said Andy, “either that or I’m a glutton for punishment.”

Having left the streets of Weatherfield in 1997 Andy is now primarily a full time dad but he cannot escape his Coronation Street connections.

“It can be a bit of a double edged sword,” he said. “I still have a lot of love for my time on the show.

"The kids who come to the show won’t have a clue who I am but it’s likely their parents will still associate me with Coronation Street.”

After Aladdin, Andy will be off to Canada for a month with three other former Coronation Street stars – Julia Haworth from Burnley who played Claire, Steven Arnold who was Ashley and Charles Lawton (Jim McDonald) for a series of chat-show style theatre shows in which they discuss their time on the Street and involve the audience in and question and answer session.

“That’s going to be my holiday this year – four weeks away from the kids,” joked Andy.

*Aladdin is at Darwen Library Theatre on Wednesday, February 15 at 1pm. Details from the box office on 01254 706006.