FEW comedians had as successful a 2011 as Patrick Monahan.

He won several top awards, released his first DVD and was the winner of the ITV comedy talent show Show Me The Funny.

Now the genial Teessider is heading to Blackburn with his Hug Me I Feel Good Show.

“Basically it’s the autumn tour which has spun out of control,” said Patrick.

“That’s quite lucky in a way because I haven’t had to come up with a completely new show. But at the same time I can’t just go out and do the same thing.

“I brought out my DVD in November and half of the show was on that. Some comics might be OK with just going out there and doing the DVD but I want to give the audiences something new.”

Giving the audience what they want is clearly something Patrick is good at, having won Show Me The Funny last year.

“It was a bit like The Apprentice for comics,” he said.

“Until it started we didn’t really know the format but I agreed to to it straight away.

In the show, hosted by Jason Manford, a bunch of aspiring stand-ups were shown performing live with one of them being booted off each week.

“It was reality TV and was edited like a reality TV show,” said Patrick. “But my thinking was it offered national TV exposure which you’re not going to turn down. I thought I I could get through three or four weeks at least more people would have heard of me when I went back to the live circuit.

“I never thought I’d win and I didn’t take it that seriously. I just went to enjoy it. For people who watched the show I think you could see one of two of the comedians were taking it really seriously and I don’t think it helped them.”

Although his rise to comedy fame has been rapid, Patrick admits he is still learning his craft.

“I have always wanted to be an entertainer,” he said.

“I think it’s only now in my thirties that I beginning to appreciate what comedy is really about. Ten years ago I couldn’t see the point of having a space to work in and disciplining myself to write new material.

“Even now I can get easily distracted if I don’t concentrate and end up watching You Tube videos of cats falling of wardrobes.

“But I’ve come to enjoy the writing side. I like having my office with my things around me.

Patrick has also signed up to take part in Let’s Dance for Sports Relief, memorably won a couple of years ago by comedian Robert Webb and his Flashdance routine.

“I’ve got one or two ideas of what I might do but I’ve yet to go through things with a choregrapher to sort it out.

“It sounded like a bit of fun when I was asked to do it but now it’s getting closer I’m begiining to realise it’s hard work. But it’s all for a good cause.”

*Patrick Monahan, King George’s Hall, Blackburn, Friday, February 17. Details from the box office on 0844 847 1664.