Brought to you by the ringmaster of tom-foolery, Jason Byrne’s new show promises a night-out like none other.

The Edinburgh Festival regular tells me he’s more than just a stand-up comedian and his act, which kicks off with an Irish dancing routine, defines the word unique.

“The way to describe my show is just a load of mad stuff thrown together.

"It’s my version of a circus,” said the 39-year-old comic in a thick Dublin accent.

“It’s so much more than stand-up. That’s why I named it after Cirque Du Soliel, because you never know what’s going to happen.

“I open the show with my Irish dancing. I had to do two months of heavy training for Born To Shine for ITV so there’s no way I wasn’t putting that to use.

"It’s a minute-and-a-half routine that I open the show with.

"Then after that it goes all over the place with my improvisations.”

Jason’s set includes a diverse array of jokes from going on a first date to the birth of his children, and from the politics of the playground to getting in trouble with the police.

And then, of course, there’s the catalogue of surprises he keeps up his sleeve.

The 44-date tour, which takes in dates in Barrow, Bury, Salford and Blackpool, comes on the back of testing out the show around his native Ireland and for 12 weeks in Australia.

But it’s changed quite a lot en route, he says.

“Its a completely different show from when I started,” explained Jason, who did his first gig age 21.

“I’m just like that — especially the stand-up parts, I tend to make it up a bit as I go along, depending on where I am.

"I’d get bored otherwise, I couldn’t be one of those comedians who do the exact same show for a whole year.

“The spine of the show I keep the same, but the nature of my show means I can do a lot of thinking on my feet and because the audience get so involved that’s different every night.”

Jason is famous for his level of audience interaction, often hauling several members of the crowd up on stage during his set to take part in his outrageous gags.

“I just have to connect with the audience. I feel like that’s the only way a gig can really be a success for me,” Jason said.

“But as a comic we’re never happy. Even if the crowd are leaving laughing their heads off, you’re always trying to do a better gig, which I suppose keeps you on your toes.”

And it’s this dedication that has lead to a string of sell-out Edinburgh shows that have attracted a score of accolades.

And now Jason is in demand on television (Live At The Apollo) and radio (the Sony Gold award-winning Jason Byrne Radio Two show) and he’s not had a day off in months.

But it’s in front of a live audience that Jason is happiest — and he is particularly looking forward to heading to Lancashire for the first time.

“I can’t wait for Blackpool, I’m going to get there early and go on the rollarcoasters.

"That’ll get me in the best mood for the gig. I love all that.

“I’m looking forward to visiting Lancashire because I’ve never been, I know the crowds will be good.

"British audiences, especially the further north you go, they’re always up for a laugh.”

* Jason Byrne — The Met Bury, September 15, Grand Theatre, Blackpool, September 16, The Forum, Barrow-in-Furness and The Lowry, Salford Quays, September 24. Visit for details.