IS there a nicer bloke on the TV than Bruce Parry?

For the last few weeks he has been a welcome visitor into living rooms around the country with his latest series — Arctic on BBC2.

With his unassuming demeanour and Boy Scout-like approach to trying anything thrown at him, Parry is the most unpresenter-like presenter.

Unlike many of that ilk, he lets the pictures and the people he meets tell the story rather than imposing himself too much onto the viewer.

Arctic has been a delight from start to finish. Of course it has been helped by the magificent natural backgrounds but the way Parry has become part of isolated and threatened communities living within the Arctic Circle has been enthralling.

Those wimpy wannabes on I’m A Celebrity bawl and moan when faced with the infamous bush tucker trails.

But our Bruce is made of sterner stuff. Seals eyeball, caribou tongue — he simply pops it in and declares it delicious. What a man!

Clearly there’s a major ecological message behind what he’s doing but he doesn’t preach. He just informs and lets us make up our own minds.

You do wonder what his home like is life as he spends so much time living with others. But, as a viewer, I’m glad he does.