A PROPOSAL over a chippy tea sets the scene for Rossendale Players’ latest outing – comedic play Sylvia’s Wedding, by Jimmie Chinn.

Sylvia and Gordon, played by Isobel Balchin and Graham Haworth, have been together for a number of years, yet still live with their parents.

One night, in an out-of-character burst of initiative, Gordon proposes to Sylvia over a tray of fish and chips.

But Gordon’s father is determined to not let his son waste his life by marrying beneath him.

He is not the only obstacle to Sylvia’s matrimonial ambitions and the pathway to the altar is strewn with family skeletons, moral dilemmas, financial crises, costume catastrophes, damaged lavatories and a lame budgie.

Jeff Hays directs, with Sunday’s performance in aid of Edenfield Parish Church.

l Sylvia’s Wedding at the New Millennium Theatre, Waterfoot, from Saturday, January 22 until Saturday, January 29, no performance on Monday (24). Ticket £6 on 01706 228720, or from Watts News, next to the theatre.