BURNLEY Youth Theatre’s latest production, Gregory’s Girl is taking centre stage on July 9 and 10.

The play is an adaptation of the 1981 coming-of-age rom-com film, written by Bill Forsyth.

It centres on Gregory Underwood, an awkward teenager who plays for a failing football team. So the coach holds a trial to find new players.

Dorothy turns up and, despite some sexist misgivings, she proves to be a very good player.

Gregory falls in love and decides to ask her on a date, but when he turns up Dorothy’s friend, Carol shows up instead.

A complicated look at teenage relationships and growing up unfolds.

The play has a 25-strong cast including Cole McLaren-Bailey as Gregory, Bronagh Wyatt-Thorburn as Dorothy, Georgia Thompson as Susan, Lucy Butterworth as Carol, Robert Gray as the PE teacher and Cody Frost as Madeline.

Director Karen Barnes said: “Auditions were held in February and we have been rehearsing every Wednesday and most Sundays since then.

"The cast have been great, they have been very committed to learning their lines and seem to have enjoyed it, hopefully that will come across in their performances.”

* Gregory’s Girl is on Friday, July 10 and Saturday, July 11 at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £6 for adults and £4 concessions and children. Call 01282 427767 to book.