IT’S about time soapland’s market traders and barmaids considered new careers as police investigators.

They can literally sniff out a concealed dead body a mile off. Whether it’s Brookside’s Trevor Jordache under the patio or Den Watts in the Vic’s cellar on Albert Square. One thing’s for certain they don’t stay buried for long when there’s a nosy neighbour about.

The latest in the line of hidden corpses to be unearthed is Walford’s Owen Turner, strangled by Lucas and laid to rest under his ex wife’s memorial tree.

I’ve been waiting for this one’s comeuppance for a long time. What cheek burying a body in the middle of the square — you can tell Pauline Fowler isn’t around anymore, she’d have clocked that straight away.

Lucas has done all he can to keep the truth from being revealed but rules are rules. Everyone has to get their just desserts in soapland — and it’s Lucas’ time.

He’s getting darker by the episode. It’s all in the eyes, and his are particularly menacing. I’m sensing a king of villains accolade at the next Soap Awards.

He’s putting on his best baddie faces and we’re all hiding behind our sofas.

Are the critics watching I wonder? He certainly gets my vote that’s for sure.