A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, or so they say.

Well, not if the medicine is a hard-nosed appraisal of your business abilities and is accompanied by the words You're fired'.

Alan Sugar, or rather, Sir Alan is good at killing people off while enticing them with the sweet smell of success.

The Apprentice is back. And you can't beat watching the 14 wannabes being sent to hell and back.

You can't even feel sorry for them because anyone who is willing to sell their soul to the Devil deserves whatever Sugar can shower on their silly heads.

Sir Alan thinks his show is far superior to Big Brother. He said you've got to be brain-dead to watch that.

It's like Life on Mars.

Somewhere out there are thousands of Big Brother fans lying in comas, waiting to be brought back up by some stimulating' tests devised by Sir Alan.

I think that after watching last night's show, I'm back in the real world.

It's not full of naively sweet kids like Preston and Chantelle, but egotistical, money grabbing, back stabbing, shells of human beings ready to swap their own mother for a management consultant title who gets to say things like, we work hard and play harder' or my only weakness is that I don't think I have any weaknesses" or "I'm hard work, I'm high energy."

Lets hope their egos get kicked where it hurts.