ABANDONED babies, repentant murderers, cannabis growers it's all happening in Wetherfield.

Yep, Coronation Street, one tiny street, but more goes on in half an hour than you get down a normal road in 20 years.

Last night sour faced Emily proved she was an unforgiving Christian by failing to forgive husband Ernest's killer.

Mother from hell Tracy Barlow thought nothing of leaving Amy with the ever-sarcastic Blanche.

"I'll take my child to the park and I'll look after my man in the bedroom" she snarled.

Where has she been the last few months? Doesn't she realise Charlie is an evil wife-beating bully? Or is that what attracted her?

Chinless wonder and ET-lookalike Gail was faced with the realisation that devil-child David knows about his girlfriend's "waccy baccy" factory.

And bless Eileen better a murderer for a boyfriend than no boyfriend at all eh?

I don't know if it's because of some ratings war with EastEnders, but hasn't Corrie changed a lot lately? I've always though of The Street as an old friend you could leave it for a few months and go back to safe in the knowledge nothing had changed.

But last night Gail had bagged herself a Scottish giant as a boyfriend and Tony Slattery turned up in the Rovers with the worst Northern accent I've heard for a long time.

The only interesting thing that's happened down our road is we've got new wheelie bins.