YAY! the Embarrassing Bodies team are back – and this time they're looking at teenage bodies.

Last night's episode on Channel 4 centred on the delightful subject of body odour.

The fab-named Dr Pixie McKenna and the two others travelled the country asking young people about the smell coming from their pits.

Their answers ranged from “fish”, “musky” and “onions” to “beef curry”.

Brilliant. Young people can always be trusted to come up with hilarious bluntness.

Good on them though. I can't imagine I'd have had the guts to go on national television to talk about my body aged 15.

I did feel sorry though for the chubby boy who told the camera: “At school I had PE and then when I came home my mum said 'what's that smell' and it was me, so I started washing more.”

Another success from the Embarrassing Bodies team.