OH Diana! It’s had enough trying to avoid getting sucked into the X-Factor without having a local finalist.

But our girl did us proud sailing through to next week’s show with a charming naivety compared to some of the over confident, over hyped and basically over-rated contestants.

Diana apart, it’s pretty much business as usual. Sharon may have gone but Louis and Simon clearly don’t send each other Christmas cards, Dannii remained impassive throughout (although that may be the surgery) and Cheryl’s a fast learner, coming out with the classic “you nailed that one” within the first 10 minutes.

At the end Bad Lashes were booted out - bad name, deserved to go.

In fact the only thing they got in tune all night was the howl of despair when Dermot O’Weary read out their name.

Next to go? It should be that kid who cries all the time.