IF you can ignore the fact that when you strip away the humour and the editing you’re basically watching a wealthy TV star jetting around the globe for free this is actually a really good watch.

As far as travel programmes go they are all fairly similar in terms of the check list. Something shocking, check, something funny check, something you didn’t know check, something moving check and finally plenty of scenic shots, check. But this one has something most don’t a genuinely amusing and quite endearing traveller.

Paul got great reviews for his previous travel series in China, and even picked up a Bafta nomination, so he’s no amateur he knows his stuff in the travel department.

He certainly keeps himself busy anyway, last night he met a group of dancing policemen in the Punjab; attended a cricket match for the blind; visited a prosthetic-limb clinic; and fell in with a gang of racketeering eunuchs!