GOK got a shock last night when his latest muse, 35-year-old Nicki Denbeigh was reduced to a weeping heap at the prospect of flouncing down a catwalk in just her pants.

I'm just surprised it hasn't happened sooner.

Because when these middle-aged, thick-around-the-middle women arrive at Gok's doorstep they're usually so desperately unhappy with their bodies that they've not shown an inch of flesh to their nearest and dearest for years.

They almost certainly collapse into a blubbering wreck when shown their reflection in the mirror and always put themselves higher up the fat line-up' than they really are.

But a few chants of Go on girlfriend' from Gok and they happily peel off to their bra and knickers and sashay down a runway in the Trafford Centre.

Not last night's gal though.

Bridget Jones-a-like Nicki needed a little more persuading than most to show the world the stomach that she disliked so much it was stopping her from getting a boyfriend.

"It's a horrible, big flabby mess - it's repulsive," she said.

But of course Fairy Godmother Gok got her confidence brimming by the end as usual - and there I was doubting him.

Also Gok's beauty army put to the test the claims of a particular lip liner.

What's the best way to test durability? Kiss an entire RAF squadron of course.