DO you think that Derren Brown is ever invited over to friends for a meal?

In fact, do you think that Mr Brown actually has any friends?

I'm sure he's a really nice bloke and this is not a character assassination.

It's just that after his new series on Channel Four, Trick or Treat, how would anyone dare look him in the eye for fear of what might happen?

You can just imagine having Derren round. There would be people waking up in the bath, others snacking on dog biscuits and someone crying in the corner because the beige carpet makes them emotional.

In the first programme Mr Brown managed to transport some poor hapless victim from a phone booth to Marrakesh where he faced all sorts of unspeakable horrors.

It was perhaps appropriate that members of the League of Gentlemen got the Brown treatment too as he could well be one of the darkest characters from the series.

I have no idea how Derren Brown makes seemingly sensible individuals behave like human marionettes and there are times when I'm not convinced it can be even be branded entertainment.

If you think about what he does too much, you'll scare yourself.

But you have to admit he is extremely good at what he does.

And no, he hasn't played mind games with me to make me say it!