AND so, last night, we bade a sad farewell to the unlikely pairing of Oz and James.

BBC2's Big Wine Adventure has been one of those series which has polarised opinion.

I know some people who refused to watch it after the first episode, claiming that it is too contrived and that James May shouldn't be allowed anywhere near wine guru Oz Clarke.

On the other hand, I think it's been one of the more entertaining programmes of the year and think the underrated May has done himself no harm at all in the TV personality stakes.

The idea of a self-confessed wine yob travelling with the ultimate wine snob was a match made in TV heaven. Of course, May played on his uncouth image, but you've got to admit it was funny.

The Top Gear presenter is a relic of a bygone era. You can imagine him listening to the wireless and reading the latest Captain W E Johns novel, a half-finished Meccano model of a steam engine lying at his feet.

The great British eccentric is alive and well - and thank goodness for that.

Anyone who when asked to prepare the ultimate British dish for a French vineyard owner, cooks up Spam and beans on a camping stove deserves some sort of accolade.

Wine purists may disagree, but the Big Wine Adventure has also been much more informative than you would think.

I now understand more about grape varities, the French concept of terroir and why some bottles cost a ridiculous amount of money.

But above all, rather like a good bottle of wine, I've just enjoyed it.

Something James and Oz would both approve of.