DID I miss something? When exactly did Monty Don become an expert on drug addiction?

In last night's Monty Don - Growing out of Trouble, on BBC2, in which the affable Mr Don takes a handful of recovering drug addicts and attempts to help them turn over a new leaf (excuse the pun) by growing tomatoes - the project hit a problem.

It emerged that not only were some of the gang still using drugs, but that - shock horror - they were even bringing them on to the farm.

Apparently next week's episode contains yet another shocker - that bears do the unmentionable in woods.

Now I know I sound like some kind of right-wing unforgiving know-it-all but for goodness sake Monty, what did you expect?

That the drug addicts would take one look at your wholesome jumper and decided to get themselves on the straight-and-narrow?

I'm just surprised the gang haven't yet unearthed the potatoes in the polytunnel to grow themselves some cannabis plants.

But Monty is obviously a more optimistic character than me (and the farm's owners who weren't too pleased when they discovered their residents bad habits weren't as much a thing of the past as they'd been led to believe) and he seemed genuinely disappointed on finding out he'd been lied to.

At one point I felt like giving him a hug and saying "Cheer up old boy, these things take time."

Still, on the brighter side, the project's first love affair began.