THEY started out as lager-swilling, potty-mouthed, pole-dancing ladettes and after being kicked into shape by the fearless staff at Eggleston Hall the recruits emerged demure young ladies in ITV's Ladette to Lady series.

But what happens when the girls were released back into the wild? Did they reassume their positions as binge-drinking tomboys in their respective communities?

Like most viewers I assumed this must be the case - turn the cameras off and let's party.

But last night's Ladette to Lady: End of Term Report re-visited the girls from both series of the strangely addictive show - and found most of them were still on the straight narrow.

Series one winner Michelle King had risen from gas-fitter to being in charge of a 12-man team responsible for recruiting and training - while making sure a hair was never out of place.

Victoria Jenkins from series two had quit spending £200 a week on booze and was pursuing her dream to become a nurse.

But best of all has to be Clara Mayer who whilst taking part in the programme blossomed into a beautiful young woman and won the heart of a Viscount who she's now marrying - you go girl!

Not all of the girls remembered how to walk like they had a book on their heads or which fork you were supposed to use for the fish course but it seemed to me the lessons they had learned were the ones that really counted.

Forget ASBO's, enrol em on a course!