HELP, we're being invaded again! The airwaves are being taken over by chefs once again.

Last night it was the turn of the equally improbably named Heston Blumenthal (why can't chefs be a simple Barry?).

For those saying Heston who? all you need to know is that he is the blue-eyed boy of the kitchen elite - a man who teams up snails and porridge and gets applauded for it.

Really Heston is about as far removed from the domestic kitchen as you can get.

You can't imagine him doing a Jamie and heading off into a school kitchen.

So how we rejoiced when last night on his new programme In Search of Perfection poor old Heston proved that he could't even cook roast chicken.

Actually this is very unfair as he was trying to do something extremely complicated with a chicken which involved him dressing up like an extra from the Quatermass Experiment.

But that's not the point. As he lifted up a blackened carcass with a sheepish look on his face, those of us who think ready meals are a fine idea could be heard giving out a collective cheer.

Quite how your average mum or someone with a job can ever hope to follow Heston's tips is beyond me.

It appears the way to culinary success Heston-style is to spend 10 hours a day in the kitchen.

But it was quite entertaining to watch, especially the chicken fire!