We welcomed the Lancashire Fire and Rescue team back in to College to deliver their 'Wasted Lives' Road Safety Programme to our Year 12 students.

During the week they hosted sessions with our students about driving and dangers associated with it. e.g. how fast is too fast, wearing of seat belts, how using a mobile, drugs or drink can affect your driving, along with general driving safety.
Statistics show that one in three new driver’s crash within the first two years of passing their test. Hard hitting videos and facts about real scenarios will play a big part in the presentation.

The week culminated with a full recreation of an RTC. Brave, Performing Arts student, Ynez Taylor-Wood volunteered as the driver and occupant of the car who was cut out by the emergency services. The fire brigade arrived on scene with blue lights and showed step by step a full recreation of what happens at the scene of an accident.
This is a particularly hard hitting recreation which ultimately acts as a harsh warning to young motorists to take care on the roads.


Lancashire Telegraph: