MOTORISTS have been warned against fuel thefts after a lorry driver was threatened with physical harm by a gang intent on siphoning diesel from his tank.

The driver, who worked for a firm in the Road Haulage Association was parked at a motorway services. 40 litres of diesel were taken.

Motorway service areas can be hotspots for truck crime and the RHA has campaigned for improved security at these sites.

As fuel prices rise, diesel has become a highly valued commodity among criminals who sell it on for a 'below market' cost.

This activity is creating large losses for haulage firms in particular.

RHA head of security Chrys Rampley said: "There are thieves out there who are prepared to sit and wait for hours until the right moment to siphon the fuel. “However it is a rare occurrence for a driver to be approached and threatened in this manner. "When you consider the price drivers and hauliers have to pay to use motorway facilities, it is scandalous that security is not of a higher standard.”