OUR story from St James’ School, Blackburn, in the 1950s, brought memories for a reader who was also a young pupil then.

After a class photo appeared on our page, Nan Etherington, nee Crowther, has recalled a few more names: Stephen Barlow, Eric Wilding, Carole Green, Valerie Harrison and Julie Gibb.

She said: “The photo was taken on the playground, a surfaced area surrounded by railings, with the toilet block in the middle. It was certainly chilly if you needed to spend a penny in the winter!

“Our year was the leaving class of 1962, which will be 50 years ago next year. I remember we had an enjoyable final year with teacher Mr Holden, who directed us in a performance of Gilbert and Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore.

“Miss Tomlinson played the piano for the accompaniment.

“We also made a large geographical model of St James’ parish and completed the project by walking all around the boundary.

“I have very happy memories of those days, and would like to make contact with former pupils and particularly David Fryer, who sent in the photo to reminisce about those times.”

You can contact her on geofferr@tiscali.co.uk