A BOOK, detailing life around the Weavers’ Triangle, in Burnley, is now being planned.

And the people who will pen it will be local folk, interested either in writing, or local history, or by those who ever lived close to the historic area of mills and chimneys.

The group A Good Read is staging a series of writers’ workshops over the next few weeks and organiser Janet Swan said: “This is a great chance to learn how to write a good story using old photos and stories inspired by the history of this fascinating area alongside the canal.

“We have already started to hear some of the stories about the area, from people who worked in the mills, tales about local characters – remember Ernie from The Mitre – and tales about Sandygate Youth Club, relay runs, and the Man in White.

“But we want to write up more of the stories of those who lived through the times when the Weavers’ Triangle was a thriving community.

We’ll be scouring the census, plus old maps and newspapers to get our inspiration.”

The best stories will be published in a local book, with other items being brought to life by being read aloud as part of a series of guided walks in, and around, Sandygate over the summer.

Mervyn Hadfield will be one of the local authors who will lead the sessions. His dialect poems and stories look at local characters and events.

l Call Janet on 01282 414287, or Sazna Begum on 01282 664413, for details about the workshops.