IT’S that time of year again, when Padiham folk can look back at the life of their town over more than 100 years.

For the Padiham Archive Group is staging its annual exhibition this weekend.

Visitors will be able to browse photographs and memorabilia covering a century and more in Padiham.

There will be photographs such as this, which was taken in Mill Street, at the junction with Burnley Road, in 1966.

A crane is lifting a safe into the Post Office building, which is still in the same spot today.

Next door is Edgar Bradshaw's photographic supplies shop. Edgar was Padiham's well-known photographer and there won’t be many residents who don't have one of his photographs somewhere in their home!

Mill Street, still with its original cobbles, is steeped in history and was recently the subject of a book produced by the Padiham and District U3A Group.

In the background, across the other side of Burnley Road, now the site of the Hand and Shuttle car park, can be seen the ladies' outfitters, Winterbottom and Webster, and to its left, Sagar's butchers.

* The annual exhibition of Padiham Archives, takes place this Saturday and Sunday, October 2 and 3 in the town hall ballroom.

It is open 10am to 4pm on Saturday and noon till 4pm on Sunday. Admission is £2, children free.

Proceeds go to the archive group.