THE Beatles caused mayhem when they appeared on the pop scene – and whatever stage – in the sixties.

Our photograph last week, below, showed the tussle the management of ‘The Imp’ had in keeping the girls at bay when the foursome appeared at the Nelson ballroom.

There was even a policeman there to ensure order, while manager Bob Caine, in the white jacket, ensured the security lines weren’t breached!

This week we’ve tracked down the girl who was brandishing a sign for the Fab Four ‘Come on The Beatles’ in the middle of the melee.

Now a pensioner, Anne Sanderson, from Barrowford, was then just 15 and she had gone to see Paul, John, George and Ringo, with her friend Margaret Haythornthwaite.

She worked at the time in the screen printing department at Victory V, in Nelson.

And the colourful sign had been specially printed by her boss that afternoon.

Now Mrs Riley, she said: “We went to the Imp to see all the top groups.

“We saw the Beatles and the Hollies twice and stars such as Del Shannon and Adam Faith.

“I remember going to buy our tickets from the Electron record shop, in Railway Street, Nelson. They were wonderful days.”