THE Mocambo coffee club – is that a name many readers remember from their teenage days?

It was opened in the early 60s, in a disused ex-club premises in Redearth Road, Darwen, and was promoted as the place to go for the ‘young set’.

At its height more than 200 teenagers used to cram inside over the weekend.

On the first floor was a large dance hall with capacity for 400 – and it was packed for its opening night, when Blackburn pop stars The Four Pennies took to the stage. They were followed by a succession of top groups, such as Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders and The Big Three.

The club, previously the RAFA rooms, was decorated in an African theme, with spears, leopard skins and tribal masks covering the walls.

There was also a huge juke box, loaded with the latest records.

When The Four Pennies appeared in April, 1964, tickets were 7s for members and 8/6d for others. Membership was 3s, renewable every three months.

l Do you have any stories of your weekends at the Mocambo or, indeed, any photographs you’d like to share with us?