WELL, did you stock up on frozen oysters for your Christmas parties, back in 1966?

For it was reported that the delicacies were the best buy for festive fare that year.

They were available at Blackburn fish market for the first time during the first week of December at the unusually low price of 7s 6d for a pack of 16.

A popular choice as an hors d’oeuvres, they were far cheaper than the fresh variety, which cost between 10s and 18s a dozen.

Also at the fish market, cod fillets were 3s 6d a pound, four small plaice for 2s and two ounces of prawns at 2s 3d.

Best meat buy at the market was shoulder of lamb at 4s a lb, while boned and rolled sirloin was 6s 6d per pound, minced beef 4s and heartspoon 4s 4d.