THERE are lots of faces to take note of in this photo – it’s an image of Padiham Male Voice Choir in 1958.

The choir, renowned for its fine vocals, comprised around 50 members, all kept in tune by conductress Bessie Collins, who led them to an array of trophies and appearances.

The choir took part in numerous festivals during the 1950s and early 60s and is known to have one year won the Urdd National Eisteddfod.

The photo here shows the choir posing for the camera outside the town hall, with Bessie holding a shining trophy – does anyone know what it was for?

On her left is John Rawcliffe, chairman of Padiham Urban District Council as it was then. Third from the left on the front row is Albert Young, a grocer in Padiham for many years. The second photo, right, shows Bessie and some of the choir at rehearsals in the town hall.

The male voice choir also had special car badges made for members.

The photos have come from the library currently being compiled about people and events in the town by Padiham Town Council Archives Group. Set up by Bob Clark, a councillor and former mayor, it now has vast records, including photos and memorabilia, of Padiham folk and their lives, in its office in the town hall. The group is keen to build up its archives and is continually seeking photos of Whit walks, celebrations, landmarks, and local industry.

It is interested in old school and sports team pictures, as well as those of your family and local characters.

You can donate photos, or loan them for copying, and the group stages an annual archives exhibition, when they are put on show to townsfolk.

If you have any stories, or photos from the past, you can contact Bob and his wife, Ann, on 01282 771694.