THE top story today told of the complete chaos at three Blackburn and Darwen schools, after they were suddenly closed by the county council.

More than 1,500 bewildered pupils arrived at schools for lessons to be met with locked doors, ‘no admittance’ notices and equally puzzled members of staff.

Many of the youngsters from Thomas Aquinas RC school, Darwen, and John Rigby RC and Billinge Comprehensive at Blackburn were sent home to enjoy a longer than normal weekend break.

The schools were being closed wholly or in part on safety grounds, because concrete beams in their roofs had been made with suspect, high alumina cement.

Deterioration of similar beams, it had been discovered, had caused a the collapse of a swimming pool roof in London.

Confusion had ben caused by conflicting announcements and the three heads, Robert Marr, Peter Dolan and F Parker, were hurriedly making arrangements for new accommodation for the following week’s lessons.

Our photographers had been on hand to get pictures of the pupils waiting in the grounds while decisions were made about their day.

Coun Tom Taylor criticised the council for their handling of the closure, claiming it had taken 14 days for action to be taken on their instruction of the department of Education.

He said: “A surprise holiday is all very nice for the children, but it is not doing their education any good, by taking their schooling away for an indefinite period.