More businesses are realising that going green can have a positive effect on their balance sheet as well as the environment.

With just a few simple changes, a company can change their attitude, and bottom line, almost overnight.

First up, save energy and money by cutting fuel and utility bills.

Turning down the thermostat by just one degree could save eight per cent off your heating bill and reduce your carbon footprint.

Switching to a green energy supplier could reduce your CO2 emissions by about one third.

Don't forget the energy-saving light bulbs – they use up to 80 per cent less electricity than a standard bulb but produce the same amount of light.

Turning off appliances rather than using the standby function can also help, and as the typical office worker goes through 10,000 sheets of paper a year switch to a local supplier of recycled paper.

One of the buzzwords of the last 12 months is 'carbon footprint'.

According to the Carbon Trust, just one per cent of UK businesses have measured their footprint, and if you can't measure it, you can't manage it.

Investing in an environmental audit can show you where there are savings to be made.

Drawing up an environmental policy is also a good move, as is setting up an office 'green team'.

If you want to be considered for any public sector contract, no matter how small, your company must conform to basic standards in the supply of its goods and services – with an environmental policy as one of those requirements. This includes ensuring your procurement process is as conducive as possible to best environmental practice.

Finally, look at recycling, and using green cleaning products. With landfill taxes set to rise, waste is a major issue. Supply separate bins in offices, canteens and kitchens to enable sorting and recycling of paper, glass, plastic, and cans. Using a commercial waste recycling service will reduce waste being sent to landfill and benefit your pocket.

A good recycling service will help you to recycle everything from paper and plastic to glass, batteries and light bulbs.

Call your local council to find out what services they offer.

Environmentally friendly cleaning materials are healthier for staff in the office environment and for the planet too. There are a growing numbers of stockists.