I hope you all enjoyed the the suggestions I gave you last time round and that it helped you to rediscover your inner child.

Now the kids stuff is out of the way, this time I'm talking horror movies.

Since the arrival of the first 'Scream' movie back in the 90s, the cinema screens have been flooded with cheap, predictable slashers and re-makes of old classics that are rarely done any justice.

After trawling through hours and hours of these kind of films I managed to find 2 which were a cut above the rest.

Firstly we have the recent 'The Uninvited' starring Emily Browning and Elizabeth Banks.

To be honest I was not looking forward to watching this as I thought it would just be another dumb teen horror but after a few minutes I was enjoying what turned out to be really good horror with some very shocking twists and a great ending.

I can't say much more about it because I don't want to give anything away. Just make sure you catch it when you can.

Secondly we have the classic 'Lost Boys' which is an 80s favourite, starring superstars from the time like Kiefer Sutherland and the two Corey's (Haim and Feldmen) and even a very small appearance from Alex Winter from the Bill and Ted series. It's just brilliant! It's gorey, funny, scary and well acted. A film that everyone should watch and most people have.

Some people are unaware of the sequel to The Lost Boys which came out last year, Lost Boys 2: The Tribe.

Basically it's the same film but with a female instead of a male changing from human to vampire and the biker from the original.

It's a decent film that won't win any awards but I did enjoy the performance of Corey Feldmen back playing the not-so-teen-any-more vampire hunter Edgar Frog.

If you watch the credits you will see another familiar face from the original, prompting thoughts of prequel to the sequel. You will understand when you see it.

Well that's that for now. As always send me your comments and thank you for the comments of the last post. Happy viewing.