COUNCILLORS will decide on whether a proposed new store and off licence in an East Lancs town can open from 6am.

Proposals are being progressed to reopen a bar at The Shakespeare, in Wytham Street, Padiham, alongside an off licence and store which will be known as Shakespeare Local.

Four flats are planned on the second floor as part of the development.

Borough licensing chiefs in Burnley have been told environmental health officers have secured an agreement with the applicants for off licence sales to cease at 11pm and no deliveries after 8pm or before 8am.

But the original bid was to open from 6am and the environmental health section wants this scaled back to 8am to prevent a potential nuisance for occupants of the flats.

An environmental health official said in an e-mail to the applicants' agent: "While I appreciate your clients reasons for wanting to open earlier and close later, the reason I have suggested reducing the operating hours is to try and prevent potential public nuisance to residents who will occupy the flats above the shop, for which a planning application has been submitted."

The official says the timings, after consultation with colleagues in the development control department, were likely to form part of the planning permission, if granted.

Councillors have been told that the applicants have agreed to comply with the provisions of the Challenge 25 alcohol purchasing scheme after liaising with police licensing officers.

Councillors on Burnley Council's licensing sub-committee will meet on Wednesday to determine the application.

The former landlords of 'The Shake' at the location vacated the premises last July.