THE county council has sparked anger today after unveiling plans to turn off the lights on the M65 at night to save £65,000 a year.

Critics say the move will put lives at risk.

And a report presented to councillors by council officers said there would be an increased risk of accidents.

But bosses are set to ignore the concerns and press ahead with the plans.

Councillors proposed the move as they bid to make savings and keep next year’s council tax rise down to 3.45 per cent.

But this is surely the wrong place to make cuts.

In budget terms, £65,000 is a drop in the ocean.

Surely there are other areas where this amount can be saved.

In recent years we have seen bus services and libraries face cuts.

It is time, as Burnley Council leader Gordon Birtwistle says, for the county council to look at making savings from its own bureaucracy as frontline services cannot keep bearing the brunt.

The decision to turn off the lights could have serious repercussions further down the line if it causes a crash.

Are councillors prepared to gamble without safety for £65,000?