A primary school has been praised for its “kind and supportive” staff after its latest inspection by the education watchdog.

St Joseph’s RC Primary School in Ramsbottom has achieved a rating of "good" after it was visited by Ofsted inspectors on November 14 and 15.

A review found “reading is a strength” at the Queen Street school, which has an “interesting and ambitious curriculum”, according to the regulator.

The report described pupils as feeling “happy and safe at school” and staff as “kind and supportive”.

Lancashire Telegraph: St Joseph’s RC Primary School

The report said: “Leaders have high expectations for each pupil.

“Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from well-tailored support.

“This begins in the early years where skilled staff ensure that children’s individual needs are fully understood and met. Pupils across the school achieve well as a result."

The report also praises pupils’ behaviour and the school's “strong relationship with parents”.

It added: “Parents and staff members spoken with were keen to describe the benefits of these close-knit relationships.

“Parents said that they are well equipped to support their children’s learning.

"Governors, together with the school, are committed to ensuring that pupils receive the support that they need to experience success.

“For the most part, when making changes to the curriculum, leaders are mindful of their role in supporting staff to manage their workload.

“The school provides effective support to enable teachers to carry out their roles effectively."

Following the inspection, headteacher Emma Graves said: “We’re all really proud of the report and how it shows that all of the staff and children work so hard and hard work brings success!

“As a school community, we look forward to continuing to build on the current success and go from strength to strength.

“As a school, we are absolutely delighted with the report. 

“It is a true reflection of all the dedication and hard work of the children, staff, governors and parents over the years."

The school is part of the Diocese of Salford and last achieved an inspection rating of "Outstanding" 15 years ago.